Thursday, September 12, 2019

Finding what's hidden within

It is that time of year again where our family starts to hunker down, prepare for the cooler months to come in. This is also the time of year where we gather our harvest and we begin the going within time. 

When we go within and look deeply at what we have harvested from our intentions, we can see the areas of our growth and places where we may need more tending. 

This is also the time of year where we prepare for Mabon or Alban Elfed ( in Druidry) it is known as being the balance point of the year. It marks the balance of day and night before the darkness takes over the summer light. It is the time of the second harvest. Where we can look at all the abundance we have in our lives and also look closely within ourselves. 

This Friday the 13th is the full harvest moon. The soft light of the moon allows people, if the wish, to examine the hidden parts of themselves. While it may be too frightening to look at what you may have suppressed during the full light of the day, it is not as frightening to begin quietly to look at it during the soft light of the night. It is often those unexamined parts of our being that often control people. If we choose to have the courage to find out what lies hidden within us, we gain much greater knowledge of the hidden parts of nature and of our own society. 

When you examine the shadowy side of your life and we are under the influence of a powerful full moon it is important to not fight change or the desire for self-reflection. The more you strive to keep things hidden from yourself the stronger they will become. It is people who refuse to look at the shadow part of their being who often do terrible things. People who know what lies within them are much less likely to unthinkingly allow these thoughts or feelings to come out at some point in the future. 

Although everyone fears change and what it can bring, it is very much a fact of life. If you can use the influence of the moon to explore change and how you respond to it then you learn how to flow with these times and how to grow fro these times. When you learn to accept the fact that your life will go through many times of metamorphosis, you can use transition in a much more positive way: to experiment with new ways of doing things and new ways of thinking and feeling, both about yourself and what you consider to be sacred in your life. 

Below is a Self-Actualization survey that you can do to help you pinpoint areas that are hidden within you and shine some light onto them.

Respond to each statement below according to a scale from 0-5. Allow your response to come from your first intuitive sense of where you are at today. Markdown the number according to the range below.


1. I respond to new situations enthusiastically. 

2. I balance my physical, emotional, intellectual, and spiritual needs. 

3. I am comfortable with confrontation.

4. I eat properly and nutritiously. 

5. I respond to my hurt with gentleness

6. I have creative outlets.

7. I have compassion for others. 

8. I feel secure. 

9. I notice and work with synchronicity. 

10. I listen to my anger and communicate its message appropriately.

11. I am reconciled to the knowledge that my life will come to an end.

12. I know how to discern between safe and unsafe people.

13. I speak my truth with integrity. 

14. I allow experiences of awe and wonder. 

15. I am comfortable with solitude. 

16. I embrace my sexuality. 

17. I recognize there are mysteries that I can not know in this life.

18. I value dreams and vision. 

19. I am confident in my ability to plan and manifest. 

20. I know my worth and value. 

21. I own my choices.

22. I know I am more than my job.

23. I release which no longer serves me.

24. I have a supportive network of friends.

25. I honor the teachings of my elders, my heritage, and my ancestors.

26. I know my path is not everyone's path.

27. I am open to love.

28. I listen to my intuition.

29. I communicate with others whether they are able to hear me or not. 

30.  I recognize that my fear is information to be explored, rather than an absolute message to stop. 

31. I am actively fulfilling what I feel to be my purpose in this life. 

32. I grow from all my relationships.

33. I embrace the full range of emotions.

34. I establish appropriate boundaries and know how to say no. 

35. I take time to connect with the divine.

36. I celebrate my accomplishments. 

37. I know what strengths I contain within that will carry me through any of life's challenges. 

38. I am open to the transcendent.

39. I know my expression in the world is important. 

40. My connection to the world and to others is important to me. 

Scoring: Total the numbers for all of your answers to see which process phase you most reflect at this time. 

Below 80- 
There is a benefit to focusing on continued inner work.

Between 81-120
Some self-understanding has begun to bear fruit. 

Between 121-159
With much inner work accomplished, some further releasing could be of benefit. 

Between 160-200
You reflect self-actualization and the integration of your human/spirit self. 

Many blessings of reflection, finding the areas of inner darkness and be open to embracing change. 

/l\ Lillith 

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