Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Another little starting preschool

 The day was easy and relaxed for a first day of preschool. We want to settle into our rhythm. My daughter Sevi was very excited to begin. She has seen her sisters and Brother go to school and I think she is secretly longing for it too. We started our day out making herbal tea, painting rocks , learning how to set our table and the begining of our daily verses.

Sevi helped me prepare our lunch. Helping me to peel the carrots and potatoes for our bone broth soup.

Then we finished our day waxing and polishing our wooden bowls so they would be ready for the start of the year.

1 comment:

  1. I loved your post and all the pictures. We just started homeschooling this year with our kindergartener. I've been trying to find some more moms blogs with similar interests in day to day learning and your definitely an inspiration. What kind of wax did you use? Is that loose leaf tea?


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