Monday, December 7, 2015

Counting down to Yule

he Winter Solstice, also known as Yule, is the shortest day of the year and the longest night.  Scientifically, this is fascinating, as every day after this gets longer!  In many Earth based cultures, this important event represents the rebirth of the Sun, and the coming life that will follow in its wake.  Who wouldn't want to celebrate this wonderful event?

In our home, we honor this magical day by counting down the days until Yule, starting December 1st.  On each one of those days, we do one of the activities listed below, and on Yule, we listen to the story of the Yule Fairies.  We are happy to share our activities with you and hope that you enjoy them as much as we do!

Learn some new Holiday songs or sing some old favorites
Write a letter to the Oak King telling him your hope and dreams
Bring some extra non perishable goods to a local Food pantry
Donate gifts to a child in need
Make Yule suns
Go bird watching
Make small gift boxes out of recycled holiday cards
Watch a holiday movie
Start an indoor herb garden
Make a set of Runes
Meditate out in the forest
Bake cookies together
Make beeswax candles
Make some special treats for the birds
Cook your favorite family meal together
Go ice skating
Play a family game
Unwrap new pajamas
Go see the sunrise

1 comment:

  1. We celebrate Yule, too! Starting from December 1 :) How do you make the sun? sorry for my English


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