Monday, August 17, 2015

A Bit of Magic

 Cross your middle fingers
Stand upon your toes.
That's a bit of magic,
Not everybody knows.

If you see a fairy,
Do not make a noise;
Fairies are suspicious,
Of little girls and boys.

Look! the magic's working!
Hiding in the grass,
Can't you see a Fairy?
Did you see her pass?

All among the bushes
Blackberries are ripe-
Looking another fairy,
Playing on a pipe!

Here's a little goblin
 Lying fast asleep;
Blackberries he's gathered-
Left them in a heap.

See the tiny fairies
Stealing from his pile?
Won't there be some trouble 
In a little while.

There's a little fairy
Whisp'ring in the trees,
Fairies in the hedges,
Fairies in the trees.

They are all around us,
but we couldn't see,
Till we tried the magic
made by you and me. 

written by Margaret Tarrant

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