Sunday, May 31, 2020

Whitsun and Free Individuality

The festival of today is not bestowed on us by nature. It must be called forth… Some say it is a festival of the future, for we must grow ripe to withstand the surging of the Spirit. Whitsun is the festival of our true higher self, which as yet only hovers above us like a dove.
At the same time it is the festival of community, arising from the harmonizing of our higher selves which are ONE in the spirit - The Cosmic Spirit of all-pervading Love, Healing Spirit, Spirit of Wisdom, The Comforter, Counselor, Paraclete, Sophia, The Spirit of Truth. “You shall know the truth & the Truth shall make you free.” Christ fulfilled His Deed for all mankind. And, to each human individual, in order that we may be able to understand this Deed, Christ sends the Healing Spirit, Fulfilling his promise that each person may have access to the effects of the Deed, which was accomplished for all.

Whitsun presents us with a remarkable & dramatic picture of spirit-filled individuals, anointed & enkindled with the impulse to speak out of individual freedom regarding the truth & healing power of the Spirit…Speaking the Language of the heart, that all can understand. The intense rush of spirit planted in the hearts of human beings highlights one of the greatest challenges of being human: placing our individual gifts, our individual ego, in the right relationship within the social realm.

This challenge is strongly felt during this time of the consciousness soul era. It was Rudolf Steiner’s hope that “the spiritual foundation stone of Love” would be laid in the etheric hearts of all people, providing a bridge between the macro & microcosmic streams in the world & in human beings striving to create a conscious Michaelic community.
This Sophia inspired Michaelic community can be seen as a vessel in which Christ Being can unite with humanity. Rudolf Steiner created the Anthroposophical Society so that striving individuals can meet to continue this work of evolution. We get a foreshadowing of this through the Whitsun experience of the 1st apostles.
Now let me ask you this, as seekers on the path, have you ever felt utterly alone, overwhelmed, or even a bit lost? Perhaps when you 1st began to know anthroposophy? Steiner speaks of this in ‘How to know higher worlds’. You see, we have an opportunity to recognize & acknowledge the isolation that can come from our striving, a mirroring of the experience of the apostles those 10 days between Ascension & Whitsun. That uncomfortable feeling when waiting feels like wrestling.
If today, together we Will to turn our hearts towards a pearl of higher wisdom, to set fire to the forces of knowledge in our souls, redeeming our intelligence, our Anthroposophical angel if you will, can anchor & embody itself in the environment we prepare for it.
For this to happen, we need to let go of judgment. When we let go of our opinion, we can find the truth. And then we can let the ground of our souls become warm.
Today, we will celebrate this day by turning inward. Cultivating our own inner peace and igniting our own inner holy spirit. We dress in white and will come together to have fresh fruit salad topped with homemade whipped cream. We will light a white candle and say this verse:

Spirit in rushing wind and air,
In sunlight, cloud and rainbow fair,
Spirit in flame and snow white flower,
Oh, come to us with mighty power.
-From Wynstones Summer


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