Monday, April 18, 2011

Easter Fantasy and Natural Dyed Eggs

I saw the Easter Bunny as he quickly hopped along,
His heart all bubbling over with a happy Easter song.
He gathered eggs from here and there,
prepared his colored dyes
and in a most efficient way he
proved to be quite wise.

Down the lane to pixie land where elves and fairies play,
Where kitten fluff was happily at work with doggy tray,
so many chores that must be done before that Easter dawn
when children searched for colored eggs just when the night is gone.

Carefully he checked his list of every girl and boy,
some colored eggs for everyone,
perhaps a sparkling toy.
How happily he did his work,
each basket quickly done
and he was off upon his way for lots of Easter fun.

Mister Bunny wined his eye and scurried on his way
for everything must be just right for children Easter day.
Their Easter dreams must all come true,
Each basket filled so grand
and Mister Bunny planned it all
in Easter Fairyland.

By Garnett Ann Schultz


  1. Thank you for showing this! I planned on doing natural-dyed eggs this year again. They look so much more natural than those neon pink ones from the kits, don't they? Plus, the kids get a chance to see how versatile beets, cabbage, and onion skins are!

    BTW - I have an award for you:

  2. Yes we love dying our Eggs naturally ..the kids are always so excited to see how they will come out . We love experimenting with new things too. We also did coffee this year too to dye the eggs and they turned out a beautiful brown.

    And thank so much for the award :)

  3. Love this! We're doing ours tonight! So my post tomorrow may be a lot like this one! : )

  4. :) Lovely! Can't wait to see how they turn out!


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