Wednesday, April 20, 2011

The Breath of Spring -- Recycled paper baskets

Have you felt the Breath of Spring enter your home today like the smell of laundry fresh from the line or a beautiful breeze hinted with the scent of lilac?

The breath of Spring is in the air,
The Daffodils a bloom,
With Crimson tulips bright and fair
It's Springtime's sweet perfume.

The rolling fields of verdant green,
Full rich with promise lie
Caressed by sunlight's golden sheen
Beneath a sapphire sky.

The fairy wand upon the trees
has opened to the sun
The wee brown buds, kissed by the breeze,
A miracle each one.

The little birds that joyfully sing
Their hymn until the dawn
Are bidding welcome to the spring...
And lo, the winters gone.

By Mary M. Forman

Today we made recycled paper baskets to decorate our home for Spring. The kids love filling them with many things. Here is a simple tutorial on how to make them. Enjoy!

Step 1: Make sure you have a square piece of paper. Fold your paper in half like this. Then open it up and fold it in half the other way.

Step 2: Open up your paper and fold all the corners so they meet at the center point. Unfold the paper.

Step 3:

 Fold each corner to the crease lines made by the folds in step 2. Then unfold the paper.

Step 4: One by one, fold the corners so they meet the crease lines on the opposite side of the square like so. Unfold the paper.

Step 5: Your paper should look the following pictures with all squares on it.

Step 6: Now cut along the thick lines , two squares in like the following pictures.

Step 7: Fold the sides down , the two opposite sides of the ones cut and a box will form. Then fold over the two cut sides into the middle of the box.  Tape or glue to secure your box. You can cut a strip of paper for a handle if you wish....

Here are some pictures of our boxes we made today:

 What are some ways you decorate your home for Spring?  Do you have any favorite tutorials you use ?

1 comment:

  1. those baskets are beautiful - thanks for sharing so many lovely photos. For spring I love to have fresh flowers in the house; anything my garden will offer me along with bunches of herbs drying from the ceiling...Simple, but natural and I love my felt flower fairies too. I'm not the best seemstress, but even I can manage these from a little felting book I have.


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