Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Gearing up for homeschool~

Very exciting day today! Brooklyn told me that This year was going to be the best year of her life! She was thrilled to be homeschooling. I feel very grateful that I am abl to stay home with her and teach her. This year we are using Oak Meadow. I really love there lay out and I am excited to look over the 4th grade materials. We received our box this afternoon . Here is how our day begun. 

We are very fortunate to have this park by our house. Easy to get to and beautiful. It is our favorite place to go and visit when mosquito season is over with.

 Brooklyn wanted to do some weaving so we found this beautiful branch to begin with ! 

On our way through the woods we went to our alter by the small oak grove. 

We lit some sage to cleanse any negative energy while we were there along with our new crystals we recently received.

 We offered some freshly picked apples for our nature friends to find and feast upon. 

 Sevi was quite pleased with eating the apples as well. 

We collected a bunch of acorn caps for projects  before heading over to play on the playground. 

 It was a beautiful mid morning. I am glad we got to enjoy it together.

After arriving home Brooklyn wanted to do some crafting and we made these cute little acorns to hang on our mobile. 

She then decided that she wanted to read the first chapter of Stuart Little out loud to me. She said she is already enjoying the book ! We will be looking over the rest of the materials later on. But right now we are just enjoying the new feeling of starting something new. 



  1. Beautiful park and beautiful children! I love that your daughter is reading Stuart Little out loud, brings back great memories of when my daughter was that age! If you are looking for word lists and games that can go with the book, check out Vocabulary and Spelling City (, they have word lists for many subjects, and they have some already made for Stuart Little. We use Spelling city a lot because my daughter learns well using games, we just plug in whatever subject and often there are already lists made. I hope you enjoy your homeschooling journey as much as I enjoy mine. Happy homeschooling

    1. Thanks Linda so much! Always great to hear positive remarks. Thank you for the tip on Spelling City! Blessings!


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