Friday, June 15, 2012

Whole Earth Wellness

 Whole Earth Wellness ----- My Sister Site 

Over the past year I have been slowly working my way towards becoming self sustainable in many ways, including starting my own business. I have done many healing consultations in the past and present and finally decided it was time to get things up and running.

So now I introduce to you all Whole Earth Wellness ~ Healing consultations that connects your heart to your mind,body,spirit and soul ~

I offer many different services including :
  • Nutritional consults
  • In home Cooking Demo's
  • Grocery store tours
  • Reiki Sessions
  • Breastfeeding support
  • Attachment parenting support

I believe that total health is a perfectly balanced state of body, mind and spirit.

 Illness reflects serious disharmony of these elements -- a state of imbalance.

 Most people find themselves somewhere along the continuum that lies between total health and illness. Every thought, word, action, attitude, and belief moves a person in one direction or the other.

 My holistic healing  uses a variety of means to help you understand and embrace the ongoing process of building total health and achieving balance on all levels. Each person is uniquely "sculpted" by a variety of experiences of the body, the emotions, the intellect, and the spirit, and thus benefits from a "personalized" approach to health. Let your journey to total health begin now!

Please come and view my blog and "like" my page on Facebook as well Whole Earth Wellness Facebook page

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