Monday, February 20, 2012

The Boy with No Toys

I recently saw this posted on facebook and I wanted to share it with you all. While we do have toys in our home, they are all very simple , natural and mostly handmade.

I hope you enjoy this post as much as I did.

Namaste ,

P.S. Don't Forget to enter into the Hand felted Wool Spring Basket Giveaway

The Boy with No Toys....

Before he was born, his mother decided her son would have no toys. Abandoned by the father, she was already a single parent. She made a living cleaning for other people. Most days she took the bus to affluent streets where children never seemed to play outside. As she vacuumed and scrubbed beautiful homes overfilled with possessions she paid close attention to what children did all day. Often they were gone at lessons, after school programs, or playdates. When they were home they usually sat staring at screens. Toys in their carefully decorated rooms appeared to be tossed around as if the small owners had no idea how to play, only how to root restlessly for entertainment.......

Read the rest of the post here

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