Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Local News on Guess what?? Finger Knitting!!

It's wacky Wednesday at Monkton Elementary School-- a day to be weird and celebrate the last week of school. But it's not just about dressing up; it's also about stepping up. Students are trying to roll out a Guinness World Record.
"At my house with Emily we were finger knitting and we got the idea of breaking the world record," said Sierra Petrocelli, a second-grader.
"We thought it would be fun," said Emily Larock, a second-grader.
But Sierra and Emily needed help to make it in the record books, so they brought their finger knitting effort to school.
"It started with maybe five or six kids and next thing you know everyone wants to finger knit," Teacher Barbara Yerrick said.
It's knitting that pays off and adds up-- the first- and second-graders made a 45-pound yarn ball.
"You wrap it around your fingers and keep flipping it over them," Emily explained. "Just your fingers."
"There were some naysayers in the beginning but I said wow, these are little kids with big dreams and why shouldn't we support them and encourage them? And here we are!" Yerrick said.
It all led up to this-- as students unraveled their goal of beating the record of 3.85 miles from Austria. Monkton students planned to beat that with over 5 miles.
"In math class we figured out how much we'd need to finger knit to beat the world record and how much we'd have to knit each week," Yerrick explained.
The kids knit all year to put their school on the map, keeping busy hands during read aloud and choice time in the school day.
Reporter Gina Bullard: Did you ever think it would be this big?
Emily Larock: No! (laughs)
"One of our students said it best; she said we're a tiny, little town in a tiny, little state and we're doing this really big thing and it's exciting," Yerrick said.
A big dream built on little strings as students push their way into the record books.
The kids did beat the record with a 5.6 mile finger-knitted chain. The ball is rolled back up now and will be put on display at the Bristol farmers market. And after that the kids want to turn the yarn into blankets for charity.

Gina Bullard - WCAX News VERMONT

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