Sunday, May 1, 2011

Happy Beltane/May day..Mixing it up a bit

Dance Around the Maypole Song

Happy Beltane everyone...We had a wonderful day and are now just settling in . The weather has been absolutely divine, so most of our time has been spent outdoors!

Today was kinda one of those mixin' it up days with a little of this and that.

In and out, in and out,
Weave the ribbons tight;
'Round the Maypole we will dance
To the left and to
the right.

We also planted some Marigolds today :


Which reminder me of this poem...

Garden of our Friendship

In the garden of our friendship
All kinds of flowers grow,
Some short lived ones,and long lived ones,
It's just the seeds we sow.

Let us give them specal thought
and treat them all with care,
To have our friendship's garden
Growing Everywhere.

We mght need just one flower
To help us in one spot,
and then again it might be
We need them by the plot.

So cultivate your garden,
Keep flowers blooming there
and only with these flowers
Is life's fragrance rich and rare.

Tomorrow we will be posting some new Traditional Kids Videos so stay tuned!

One of our favorite sites for activities

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