Thursday, April 14, 2011

Did you know today is ?

 Dictionary Day


Do you know what a Lexicographer is? Noah Webster was one and you can find out the meaning of the word by looking it up in his dictionary. Webster's first major dictionary was published on this date in 1828!

Play Dictionary Game:

This game needs at least  four players, a dictionary, a pencil and slips of paper for each player. The more the better grown-ups too! This is game is also great for new spelling words, writing practice and lots of laughs.

  1. Choose an "It" by the Eeny, Meeny, miny, mo method. It finds a word in the dictionary of which he or she is quite sure nobody will know the meaning. It reads and spells the word out loud.
  2. On a slip of paper each player writes the word and whatever he/she thinks the word means. It writes down the real definition.
  3. All the player hand their slips to It
  4. It numbers the definitions (including the real one) then reads them out loud.
  5. Each player than says which definition he/she thinks is the real one.
  6. After everyone guesses, It gives one point to all the correct players. Play again a few times. The player with the most points then becomes It. The player who reaches 15 points first wins!

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