Thursday, March 10, 2011

Making Peace with what is

:: Making Peace With What Is ::

Once you realize that resisting your child's unwanted
behavior actually creates more of it, you may find
yourself trying NOT to resist it. But that's just
resisting *resistance*, which is more of the same!
Now what?

Releasing resistance begins with the paradoxical act
of *accepting* your resistance, and then accepting the
unwanted behavior itself. In other words, making peace
with What Is.

The old habit of conditional/competitive thinking
might cause you to resist making peace with What Is
because it confuses surrender with defeat. But
surrendering to What Is, is actually the *victory* of
Love over fear. And it's the key to manifesting what
you DO want without resorting to violence.

Today, pay close attention to how you feel in your
body. Resistance is easy to identify: it always feels
tense in some way. When you notice resistance, take a
deep breath and gently remind yourself, "I could
choose peace instead of this."

Then let Peace choose *you*. :-)

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