Monday, February 21, 2011

Patchwork egg craft


A craft your great grandmother may have done was patchwork quilting. During olden times, woman used every scrap of material they had saved and sewed them together. They used this patchwork sheet to create clothing, curtains or bedspreads. You won't need a needle and thread  for this patchwork project though. A dab of glue and an egg will create an old fashioned delight for you or as a gift.

Things you will need:

  • scissors
  • colored tissue paper or scraps of fabric
  • white glue (like elmers)
  • cup
  • paintbrush
  • blown ( or hard boiled) eggs

To Begin :

  1. Cut colored tissue paper or scrap fabric into square or rectangular shapes about the size of a stamp.
  2. Pour white glue into a cup
  3. Paint an area of the egg with glue and place the tissue paper or fabric on the glued part of the egg
  4. Then add more glue and overlap the next pieces of tissue or fabric until the whole egg is covered
  5. Smooth out and bumpy spots with your fingers and cover any spots that are showing with additional paper or fabric. Set your egg aside to dry.
These eggs are perfect for Easter or decorating for spring. 

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