Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Gnomes Gnomes


Here are some great gnome verses that we use during our circle time. 

When the Gnomes Go Underground
When the gnomes go under ground :::clap clap:::
With the flowers they have found :::clap clap:::
With the seed bags on their backs :::clap clap:::
They march in boots of black :::clap clap:::

When the cold winds blow 'neath the roof of snow,
They work and play and sing :::clap clap:::
With the seeds they stored in the caves dug before
They sleep and wait for spring :::clap clap:::

When the gnomes go under ground :::clap clap:::
With the flowers they have found :::clap clap:::
With the seed bags on their backs :::clap clap:::
They march in boots of black :::clap clap:::
     (repeat the last three times, getting progressively quieter)

Rufty and Tufty
Rufty and Tufty were two little elves that
lived in a hollow tree
They did all the cooking and cleaning themselves
And often had friends in for tea.
Now Rufty wore red and Tufty wore blue,
And each wore a hat with a feather,
They kept their finest shoes under the bed,
that were made of the
softest green leather.
Now Rufty was clever and kept the accounts,
And Tufty did most of the cooking.
He made the sweetest cakes you ever did see,
And ate them when no one was looking.

I Knew a Gnome

I knew a gnome
Who had his home
Right in the middle of an oak tree.
He wore a hat
And breeches that
Were all of the colour of the oak tree.
Two squirrels lived above his head,
Some rabbits burrowed beneath his bed,
"I keep them warm and safe," he said,
"All in the middle of my oak tree."

A wise old owl
She found a hole
High in the trunk of the oak tree.
And come what may
She slept all day
High in the trunk of the oak tree.
But when at last she took her flight,
Hooting in the pale moonlight.
The gnome rode on her back all night,
Swooping all around about his oak tree.
      Trevor Smith Westgarth


  1. That is so sweet~ I love it! Thanks for sharing :o)

  2. Your welcome , glad you enjoyed them.


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