Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Meditation Tuesdays

At night before going to sleep, enter into a meditative state and once you are deeply relaxed project yourself into space looking back at Earth.


Although our planet will appear to be so beautiful and peaceful from a distance she is in much need for loving, healing energy so as to help her find a way to manifest peace, love, healing and harmony.

While meditating, extend your arms (Even if only in your imagination) and imagine Earth suspended and rotating between your two hands. Imagine projecting healing energy  from your right hand to your left. Imagine this healing energy going right through and completely surrounding Earth.
As you are doing this, think of all those who are involved in wars and suffering and with all your heart think to yourself mentally,

"May love, health, healing, peace and harmony come to all who are involved or better."
Imagine Earth absorbing the energy and then healing through time. From then on, every time you think of wars and suffering, immediately picture Earth suspended in space, rotating and emanating this healing energy. From time to time, in your meditations project Earth through time getting healthier and enjoying peace.


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